Sunday, January 17, 2016

Putting it All Together: Alma 30-35

I was reading in Alma chapter 34 this week and I found something new that I haven't noticed before. I was reading the account of Amulek and his exhortation to pray in various places, but most importantly, to always have a prayer in your heart. And then I came across verse 28 where it says that if we turn away the poor and the needy and if we don't impart our substance to those who stand in need then our prayers will profit us nothing. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me the importance of kindness and charity, which is the essence of pure religion. Our obedience and our prayers will not matter if we do not have charity for those around us. If we can focus on that then we can understand the true order of prayer which is to pray for the welfare of those around us and how our natures are meant to turn outwards instead of inwards. Our prayers are meant to help us turn towards our Father in heaven which in turn help us to turn outwards to develop the Christ-like attribute of charity. I'm realizing more and more the importance of charity.

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